The stages of life on this planet have seen many stagnant periods and possibly many reversals. The inherent superiority of the most flexible, adaptable, inclusive, and complex creatures, cultures, men and ideas always wins out. To seek these qualities is to achieve more liberation than any bizarre feat of renunciation or reorganization of political power is likely to create.
I think it's a mistake to consider any belief more liberated or liberating than another. Perhaps only the possibility of change is important. Every form of liberation is destined to eventually become another form of enslavement for most of it's adherents. There is no freedom from duality on this plane of existence, but one may at least aspire to choice of duality.
Freeing behavior increases the possibilities of future action. Limiting behaviour only narrow's your options. I think the secret of freedom is not to be drawn into situations where one's number of alternatives becomes limited or down to just one.
I think this is our most important lesson. And a most diffecult path to tread. It means stepping out of one's own culture, society, relationships, family personality, beliefs, prejudices, opinions and ideas. It is just these comforting chains which seem to giv e definition, meaning, character, and a sense of belonging to most people. Yet, casting off one set of chains, one cannot avoid adopting another set, Unless one wishes to live in a very reduced and impoverished style--- which is a limitation.
The solution???
A person most become omnivorous. What I mean is someone who can think, believe, or do any of a half dozen different things is more free and liberated than someone confined to only one activity, or idea or system of belief. Or a person that bases thier beliefs on a short list of things they have chosen as the only things worth trying.
For this reason Sufi mystics were required to master a handful of secular trades in addition to thier occult studies. And some of the most impeccable spirit warriors would take up habits. Only to cast them off then move onto the next thing. Learning new lessons with each addiction mastered.
Chief among the techniques of liberation are those which weaken the hold of society, convention, and habit over the initiate, and those which lead to a more expansive outlook.
I've heard alot of talk lately on who should be chosen to lead us as people. I have a suggestion. Perhaps it's time for us all to take the time ourselves to find out what it is to become Human. And each one of us search for our own personal path.
To be continued.
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