Earth Changes and Space Weather News.

Important Dates:

And now back to the plasma drawings and warnings......... what's this???

Asteroid Heads Towards Earth:


GP-B (twist, 550px)
An artist's concept of GP-B measuring the curved spacetime around Earth.

NASA has announced the results of an epic physics experiment that confirms the reality of a space-time vortex around Earth. The shape of the 4-dimensional twister precisely matches the predictions of Einstein's theory of gravity. 

Meteor Shower Spawned by Halley's Comet Peaks Friday

May 2 , 2011

April 23, 2011

April 5- 21 2011 Data

Heightened geo-magnetic activity levels are expected today caused by a coronal hole high-speed stream (CH HSS). Effects from the CH HSS are expected to last about 2 days.

Late on day 2, a slow-moving CME is expected to become geo-effective with effects lasting through day 3 coming from sunspot region 1193.

Sunspots => Solar Flares (charged particles) => Magnetic Field Shift => Shifting Ocean and Jet Stream Currents => Extreme Weather and Human Disruption (mitch battros 1998).

For more information and Spaceweather alerts go to.