Home made Essential Oil radiation shield
25 drops Tea Tree *25 drops Cypress *
5 drops Oregano *
20 drops Lavender
10 drops Lemon
15 drops Myrtle
10 drops Myrrh
5 drops Peppermint
(*most important) mix together in the order given. Can be added to shampoos, laundry soap, bath salts,
also used before and after you go outside, rubbed on your thyroid area. You'll need very little.
Skin Detoxification and Baths
I recommend Baking soda
Epson Salts,
Apple cider vinegar,
Witch hazel,
Rose water,
H2O2 Food Grade
After Bath
Olive Oil,
Sunflower Oil,
Coconut Oil,
Water Purification
Colloidal Silver
A new provacative study was recently released featuring American Biotech Laboratories' ASAP Colloidal Silver, and published in the peer reviewed journal "Materials Research Innovations". The study focuses on Ultradilute Ag-aquasols with extraordinary bactericidal properties, and the role of the system Ag–O–H2O ( Silver, Oxygen and Water )
Read more: New Study Released - Silver and Oxygen Complexes in Aquasolutions
H2O2 (food grade)
For internal use, a USP "food grade" 35% hydrogen peroxide is recommended, although ALL caution MUST be used when handling H2O2 in concentrations above 12%. For external use, a standard 3% store purchased solution is fine, and in reality there is no direct evidence that the commonly sold 3% solution cannot be used orally. Please remember that a 35% H2O2 solution is HIGHLY caustic and should be stored in a safe freezer, clearly labeled and out of the reach of children.
The 35% solution MUST always be diluted when used internally. Three drops of H2O2 per six to eight ounces of water is starting point that is often suggested, although our approach is far more conservative.
In particular, hydrogen peroxide administered by an MD intravenously has been reported to be extremely effective in the treatment of emphesyma.
Creating Highly Oxygenated and Safe Drinking Water
Creating a highly oxygenated water is a very simple and safe task. By harnessing the reaction between silver and H2O2, activated oxygen (O -) can slowly and consistantly be made in drinking water.
On page 105 of the book "Upon a Clay Tablet, Volume I", in a chapter entitled "Not all Water is Created Equal", the author describes a method involving the addition of one teaspoonful of 10 PPM colloidal silver to five gallons of purified water. Then, as little as two drops of 35% H2O2 is added to the five gallons of water.
Even this small amount of hydrogen peroxide and silver is enough to fully oxygenate the five gallons of water. The amount of H2O2 in the water is negligble and decreases with time as it reacts with the silver. The amount of silver used in the water is also negligible and well within the drinking water limits established by the EPA. The H2O2 content is nowhere near strong enough to have a potentially dangerous oxidizing reaction in the body.
For individuals that would like a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide but don't want to work with the more dangerous 35%, here is a convenient source for 12% H2O2: Hydrogen Peroxide 12%
Another source for 8% Food Grade H2O2: H2O2 - 8%
See also: The Hydrogen Peroxide ( H2O2 ) Silver Files
This mixture is safe enough for pets, also a perfect vegetable soak, and sprouting cleanser.
Pretty sure this will remove any excess radiation from veggies. But oxone and uv light(from the sun),
can be used as well. I can't see anyway to get us safer. Research it and please let me know if you find more links on this.
This mixture is safe enough for pets, also a perfect vegetable soak, and sprouting cleanser.
Pretty sure this will remove any excess radiation from veggies. But oxone and uv light(from the sun),
can be used as well. I can't see anyway to get us safer. Research it and please let me know if you find more links on this.
External Use: As previously mentioned, a 3% H2O2 colloidal silver solution is an excellent topical mixture for healthy skin tissues. However, with sensitive skin, damaged skin, wounds, or otherwise blemished skin, the 3% mixture is too strong ( unless one is attempting to arrest an infection that is out of control ). While hydrogen peroxide does not react strongly with healthy skin, the oxidation that occurs when H2O2 comes in contact with bacteria can damage the underlying tissue and significantly slow the healing process. When using colloidal silver, only a small of H2O2 need be used to achieve good results. The operative idea is to include just enough to maintain an increased colloidal silver potency and oxidize diseased tissues, without the severe reaction that slows the healing process. We are currently working on some dosage suggestions, and they will be posted after further experimentation.
Nebulizer / Humidifier Use: All caution must be applied when using H2O2 delivered directly into the lungs. We are currently trying to identify the safest effective starting point, and will post further information as it is available.
We currently have one program online that simplify calculating accurate hydrogen peroxide mixtures Use the hydrogen peroxide dilution calculator form to calculate the end strength based on the amounts of H2O2 and distilled water/CS used. The form is versatile and may be used for many calculations as it includes choices for units of measure and gives a PPM result.
Again use with extreme caution, wear gloves, and googles while pouring. Safety first.