Friday, April 22, 2011

Radiation, no longer a Japanese thing.

Japan's nuclear emergency:

Kyoto news
A citizen's group concerned about the impact on mothers and babies of the radioactive leaks from a crippled nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture said Wednesday that small amounts of radioactive iodine have been found in the breast milk of four women living east or northeast of Tokyo.

Europian news says: pregnant mothers and children shouldn't drink milk, eat green leafy veggies. In response to thousands of inquiries from citizens concerned about fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Europe, CRIIRAD has compiled an information package on the risks of radioactive iodine-131 contamination in Europe.
The document, published on 7 April, advises against consuming rainwater and says vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid consuming vegetables with large leaves, fresh milk and creamy cheese.
The risks related to prolonged contamination among vulnerable groups of the population can no longer be considered "negligible" and it is now necessary to avoid "risky behaviour," CRIIRAD claimed.
However, the institute underlines that there is absolutely no need to lock oneself indoors or take iodine tablets( isn't that great news).
CRIIRAD says its information note is not limited to the situation in France and is applicable to other European countries, as the level of air contamination is currently the same in Belgium, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, for instance. Data for the west coast of the United States, which received the Fukushima radioactive
fallout 6-10 days before France, reveals that levels of radioactive iodine-131 concentration are 8-10 times higher there, the institute says.

Despite these warnings, the real issue that few are willing to acknowledge so far is that Fukushima fallout will continue for many more months. And during this fallout, there will be a cumulative load of radiation raining down upon the grasses, fruits and vegetables that make up the global food supply. How high those levels
get is anyone's guess, and those animals that feed upon those grasses -- such as cattle, goats and sheep -- will tend to further concentrate the radioactivity, producing milk and meat products that are far more radioactive than the grasses upon which they fed.

Canada and Us..... still pretty much silent
Why? our animals are eating feed that was processed last season.
Our cows and animals eat preprocessed foods, most aren't pastured.
So if milk is already showing radiation.....
and it's not from what they are eating.......

Chemtrails are showing up even in weather maps now.

Chemtrails contain Boron and Aluminum, which is used to soak up radiation......
Is this a dumbass attempt to save some of us?
Did the governments know we'ld be recieving too much radiation?
Is this the reason plants are being genetically altered to live in an aluminum rich environment?
More questions then answers in this post, but still something to think about.

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