Atlantis/Eden/Flood myths or What the hell is our problem?

Solon  brought the knowledge of Atlantis back to Greece and passed it on to a man named Dropides who told his grandson Critias about it.  Plato conducted talks and the most famous of them is the one he held with Critias, the grandson of the provider of the information about Atlantis. There were others present and one of them, Timaeos, mentioned Atlantis in the written texts referring to that a specific discussion.
  The Egyptian priest at Saiz who gave the information to Solon was impressed with the advanced civilization of the Atlanteans. This is remarkable because in those ancient times Egypt was thought to be the most advanced civilization there was. The priest mentioned that the Atlanteans were in possession of a very advanced technology.  The priest told his visitor that periodically great cataclysms devastate the planet and that in the course of one such major cataclysm Atlantis disappeared. He did not say "was devastated" he said "disappeared".
  Plato overlooked one very significant peculiarity of the various pantheons of gods: they all were locals. The Hellenes had Zeus and his gang of deities called gods whom the Greek took over when they took over Greece after the great cataclysm of approximately 2150 BC that left most Hellenes dead and the country empty. The Romans, the Etruscans, the Teutonic Tribes, the Slavonic tribes, the Celts and so forth, they all had their own pantheon of gods. Had Atlantis been part of the ancient order of things as it was the case in Europe, the Atlanteans would have had their own pantheon of gods. Poseidon had no connection with Atlantis.
    The story is pretty well documented and discussed and easily found.  Let's just say we're looking at a time of approximately 15,000 years ago.The Greeks of early times that were called the Hellenes knew about a place in the Atlantic called Aea. It was said to be place where the sun always was at the center of the sky and the inhabitants of Aea were not afraid of death. It can be assumed that this Aea was to the Hellenes what Atlantis was to the Egyptians. An interesting note: in the very early Greek paintings the sun was always shown in an afternoon position. Ancient texts mention that the sun stood always at the same spot. - Both accounts indicate that in those remote times the planet did not rotate around its axis.
  Many scholars assumed that Atlantis was fictitious and that Plato used the Atlantis story to present his philosophical thoughts on what a perfect society of his time should be like. Had these scholars been familiar with the mythology of ancient times they could have assumed otherwise.  Also if they knew about Earth changes and continental drift, they might have been more open minded.  further possible source of information about the Atlanteans is the Edda, the saga of the ancient Nordic people. It predicts the Twilight of the Gods, which is a faulty translation of an original text in which it is called The End of the Gods.
  Atlantis is neither a Greek nor Egyptian word.  Although it is used in 2 ancient texts as Atlantis and Atlas.  To find a use of the root word ATL we have to look to the Americas, where ATL is one of the month names
 of the Maya's.Flood Myths by Region

And it's a symbol for a Deludge.  So this "event" was seen by the whole planet.
The Maya definately knew the same story see the Codex Troano in Madrid. One of the surviving documents of the Maya.
  There are still records even older.  But this story can be found in cultures from all over the world. Here's the list.  It's extensive.